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STA's Global Reach Continues To Grow With A Mooring Analysis Contract From The Indian Oil Corporation, Ltd.

[Posted on Nov 05]

Stewart Technology Associates has an international reputation for being an engineering and consultancy firm that provides a wide range of services for all types of marine drilling operations. For more than 25 years, STA has continued to build on that reputation and expand the services we provide so that we're able to offer even more value to those operations, both immediately and over the long term. Our expert Mooring analysis is an example of how our forward thinking approach has extended our global reach as we were recently chosen by the Indian Oil Corporation, Ltd. to assist them with expanding the capabilities of their single point moorings in Paradip.

The IOCL recognized that our insight into the performance of their Single point moorings would help improve their ability to serve residents in this region who rely on them for their energy. STA along with our partners from Aryatech will conduct various types of mooring analysis and run simulations with OrcaFlex software to help the IOCL team predict the conditions they're going to face when operating these structures. This will prepare them to overcome the potential challenges they face as well as maximize the efficiency of their moorings.

The analysis of offshore structures like single point moorings is a key aspect to ensuring not just the most productive drilling operation but the safest. Mooring analysis is among the many things that STA is able to offer clients because we aren't a niche company that focused on a specific aspect of the field. We take pride in the fact that we have expertise related to the industry as a whole and that starts at the top with our CEO and founder Bil Stewart. The years of experience he brought to the table when starting the company in 1986 set the tone that entire team has followed for nearly three decades.

A mooring analysis is just the beginning of how STA can help your operation perform more efficiently. We can provide assistance with your other offshore structures as well as the methods you use during emergency situations. If you want to improve your spill containment plan, we can determine if there are adjustments that should be made which will make it more effective as well as examine how better to approach oil spill cleanup when needed. By establishing a relationship with STA and maintaining it over time, your operation will be more competitive now and into the future.